November 16, 2010

Bookstore Adventures...

November 16, 2010
Sometimes I can roam around a bookstore, have nothing jump out at me at all, and leave empty handed. However, I can return to that very same bookstore a few weeks later, see interesting selections at every turn, and suddenly find my arms filled with possibilities. Such was the case with my trip to Borders last night. I found like six books that I wanted to buy in the biography/memoir section alone, but money would just not allow that. I did leave with the following three selections though:

I couldn't wait for Christmas...

Looks like a must for those who loved My Life in France...

And, of course, one from my project list...

Alexa also made two independent selections. Much to my dismay, she has never been that fond of reading, but today she announced that she is going to start reading when she is bored. We will see how long this lasts.
My next bookstore outing really needs to be to the one and only used bookstore in my area to stock up on any of the selections I am missing from my project list. But, I was also wondering any of you have any gently used copies you would like to get rid of/sell? I am looking for numbers 9, 12, 17, 20, 25, 34, 38, 44 and 47 on The Reading List.


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